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Brasão da Universidade Federal do Ceará

Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia Agrícola

Área do conteúdo



ADP8000 Agriculture and water quality 6
ADP7766 Precision agriculture 3
ADP8100 Allocation of resources in agricultural systems 4
ADP7799 Agricultural environment in animal production 3
ADP8022 Data analysis in geoprocessing 6
ADP7566 Automation and control of Irrigation systems 3
ADP8200 Environmental law and national irrigation and water resources policy 3
ADP7555 Drainage in agriculture * 3
ADP8033 Ecophysiology of plants in the semi-arid 3
ADP7577 Electronics in agriculture 3
 ADP7444 Energy in agriculture 3
 ADP7788  Agricultural machinery trains 3
 ADP7599 Erosion and sediment transport in agricultural areas 3
 ACP7122 Experimental statistics 4
 ADP7611 Hydraulic structures in irrigation and drainage 3
ADP7333 Evapotranspiration 3
AKP7022 Soil physics 4
ADP7622 Fundamentals of water and soil engineering *** 3
ADP7488 Hydraulics applied to irrigation and drainage 3
ADP7633 Hydrology of semi-arid regions ** 3
ADP8044 Isotopic hydrology 3
ADP7644 Surface Irrigation * 3
ADP7122 Pressurized Irrigation * 3
ADP7655 Irrigation management in semiarid 3
ADP7177 Watershed management ** 3
AKP7122 Soil management and conservation 3
ADP7677 Applied mathematics in agriculture engineering 3
ADP7811 Agricultural mechanization 3
ADP7688 Scientific research methodology 3
ADP7777 Microcontrollers applied to agriculture 3
ADP8077 Hydrological modeling 6
ADP7511 Programming applied to agricultural engineering 3
ADP8211 Design of agricultural machinery and implements 3
ADP7733 Irrigation and drainage systems projects 3
 ADP7544 Special projects 3
 ADP7533 Chemigation 3
ADP7755 Machine-soil-plant relationship 3
 ADP7100 Soil water plant relationships 3
ADP7300 Soil salinity and water quality of irrigation 3
 ADP8222 Ergonomics and safety in agriculture 3
 ADP7700 Seminar on agricultural engineering I ****  1
Seminar on agricultural engineering II ****  1
 ADP8088 Geographic Information Systems (GIS)  3
 ADP7711 Special topics in agricultural engineering I  1
 ADP7722 Special topics in agricultural engineering II  2

*Compulsory unit for Irrigation and Drainage
**Compulsory unit for Management and Conservation of Drainage Basins in the Semiarid
***Compulsory unit for Irrigation and Drainage, and for Management and Conservation of Drainage Basins in the Semiarid
****Compulsory unit for all concentration areas

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