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Brasão da Universidade Federal do Ceará

Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia Agrícola

Área do conteúdo

Management and Conservation of Drainage Basins in the Semiarid

The requirement of food production and fiber to meet the needs of mankind generated development models where the exploitation of natural resources occurred in an exhaustive and degrading way.

This over-use of resources is most evident in dry areas where ecosystems are characterized by their fragility. At the beginning of this millennium, humanity began to awaken to the creation and adoption of a new model of use of the resources of our planet. Integrated into this new paradigm, the area of concentration in the Management and Conservation of Drainage Basins in the Semiarid proposes to generate an integrated vision, where the capacity of support and the aptitude of resources is the determining factor of its exploitation. The aim is to develop a more comprehensive exploration model where the components that affect it are dealt with together in the search for an integrated view of agricultural engineering and the conservation of natural resources (especially water and soil) in semiarid regions.

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